Eight teams, two each from Mumbai, Pune, Kolhapur and Nagpur, will be participating in the WIFA Women’s Football Championship, which is being conducted as part of the FIFA-AIFF State Development Project and will be played at the Cooperage ground, from Friday, June 23, 2017. The finals are scheduled to be played on Saturday, July 8, 2017.
Mumbai will be represented by former MDFA champions Bodyline SC and Aadhar Pratishtan while the teams from Pune include Pune City FC and United Pooja SA. KSA Women’s FC and Poddar International are the teams participating from Kolhapur, while Tulip FC and Pirpude FC are representing Nagpur in this competition.
The teams have been divided into two groups of four teams each and will initially play on a round-robin league basis. The two top teams from each group will qualify for the semi-finals to be played on Friday, July 7. The winners will meet in the final the following day.
WIFA will also conduct the FIFA ‘Live Your Goals’ women’s grassroots leaders’ course from July 6-8.
The groupings – Group-A: Bodyline SC, United Poona SA, Poddar International, Tulip FC
Group-B: Pune City FC, KSA Women’s FC, Aadhar Prathisthan, Tirpude FC.