The WIFA (Western India Football Association) has issued show cause notices to four players — Afreen Peerbhoy, Pooja Dhamal, Akanksha Kandalkar and V.K. Shrutilakshmi and suspended them as they failed to report for the coaching camp and selection trials for the preparation & selection of the Maharashtra team to participate in the AIFF Senior Women’s National Football Championship, which is currently being played at Phagwara, Punjab. The notice was issued through a letter dated May 17, 2017.
The four players, from Fr. Agnel Multipurpose School & Junior College were called to attend the camp and trials vied a WIFA letter dated May 9, 2017. Even after repeated request to their coach and officials they stayed away from joining the camp, which was conducted at the Cooperage Football Ground.
The Association felt that this was gross indiscipline and has taken a serious view about the insubordination on the part of the players. It was decided that the players will not be permitted to play in any tournaments till a final decision is taken in this matter.
Further, the Association has asked all the four players to issue an explanation in writing within 7 days from the receipt of the notice, as to why disciplinary action should not be taken against them. Till the time the Association takes a decision on this matter, all the four players are disbarred from participating in any tournament within Maharashtra and outside Maharashtra.