Ping Pong OTT platform which has been recently launched by Jeevan Babanrao Jadhav an industrialist from Maharashtra through his Ping Pong Entertainment Pvt Ltd; will offer variety of entertainment. Their first Web Series ‘Hidden’ is ready to be aired from 16th July 2021. Many renowned artistes will be part of this series which is based on the backdrop of Mumbai city with Police investigating the crimes.
Highlight of this Hindi Web series is that popular Marathi actor Santosh Juvekar is playing the lead role of ACP Pradeep Raje. Poster of this web series was launched recently, generating a lot of curiosity among his admirers. Speaking about his role, Santosh said, “I am playing a very different type of character in this film and it has been a thrilling experience for me. Out entire team has worked very hard to make this series. Watching the instant reaction of the viewers just on the release of poster , gives us a lot of satisfaction. I am sure this series will generate a lot of curiosity among the viewers, while watching it.”
Besides Santosh Juvekar, this series also stars Sanjay Sonu, Daksh Ajit Singh, Jeet Singh, Manveer Choudhary, Rajat Verma, Rohit Parshuram and Sandeep Pathak. Ping Pong app can be downloaded from Gioogle Play Store or other app Store or by visiting their website .