The well balanced Central Railway team comprising of Mumbai players Omkar Torgalkar, Dinkar Selarka & Nishant Kulkarni put up a good show in the men’s team event of the ongoing 65th All India Inter Railway Table Tennis Championship at Raibareli. In the 14 teams event, Central railway team first defeated North Frontier and CLW respectively. In the semi finals they won an important match against NCR 3-1, with Omkar winning his both matches and one match taken by Dinkar Selarka.
However, in the team Finals, Central Railway’s winning run was stopped by Western railway. Though central railway lost all their three matches, Dinkar ( Pappu) Selarka who is also national level water polo player managed to take a game from Ravi Kotiyan.
Scores of team Finals : C.Rly lost to W.Rly 0-3. Omkar lost to Noval2-3, Nishant lost toPankaj 0-3, Dinkar lost to Ravi 1-3.