Vignesh Khopade from Dadar’s Veer Savarkar’s Academy outpointed Rupin Hoode, from Sports Authority of India (Kandivali) in gruelling 3-round final to clinch gold in the youth boys (69-75 kg) boxing contest on the final day of the 42nd Uttar Mumbai Krida Mahotsav-2017 Sports fiesta, at Yuvak Krida Mandal, ground, near Poinsur Gymkhana here last night. He later received the best boxer award.
Among others to figures prominently were girls Tirtha Deolekar and Shreya Sawant, both of of Dahisar Boxing Academy, who claimed the honours in the Cub-class 42-44 kg and Cub Class 40-42 kg section respectively. In fact, Tirtha also bagged the ‘Most Promising Boxer’s award..
St Mathew’s from Malwani, with an aggregate of 75 took the overall championships, followed by Dadar’s KD’s Boxing Academy with an aggregate of 58 pints took the runners-up trophy.
Attached pic of Vignesh Khopade after his thrilling win over Rupin
Aakansha gymnasts top
MUMBAI : Gymnasts from Aakansha Sports Club with two golds, three silver and three bronze medals took the top honours in the Poinsur Gymkhana’s annual Krida Mahotsav-2017, which concluded at their gymkhana at Kandivali yesterday.
BOYS : Under-12: Soham Patil (IES New English) – 6.30 pts. Under-10: Sanka Rane (Sane Guruji Academy) – 7.o0 pts. Under-8: Kaushik Gawade (Aakansha Sports Club) – 7.95 pts. Under-6: Krishna Dhuman (Mahila Sangh) – 7.30 pts.
GIRLS: Under-12: Bhakti Kale ( (Lokmanya Seva Sangh)—9.92 pts. Under-10: Nikita Shirsekar (Parle Tilak ) – 8.60 pts. Under-8: Shigdha Thakar (Aakansha Sports Club) – 9.89 pts. Under-6: Arnavi Sawant (PTKS) – 4.60 pts