Well Known Bollywood director, screenplay writer and actor Lekh Tandon is no more. He passed away at his Powai residence in Mumbai, after suffering from old age ailment for the past six months. He was 88. Many Bollywood personalities have tweeted offering condolence messages on his sad demise. Lekh Tandon directed many hit films like Aamrapali, Jukh Gaya Aasmaan, Prince, Agar Tum Na Hote,’Dulhan Wahi Jo Piya Man Bhaye, besides nine other films, during the period 60s to 90s. He also directed TV serials like ‘Dil Dariya,’Phir Wahi Talaash & Farmaan during 80s and 90s.
Lekh Tandon was instrumental in giving Shahrukh Khan his first break in acting through his serial ‘Dil Dariya’. No wonder, as an actor he was seen in the role of his grandfather in films like ‘Swades’ and ‘Chennai Express’. He had also won popular awards for his films ‘Dulhan Wahi Jo Piya Mann Bhaye’ and ‘Agar Tum Na Hote’.