Vedant Chheda, a promising 17-year-old talent, delivered a fine performance in the Avaada Otters Squash Open held at Otters Club, Bandra. Competing in his debut Under-19 tournament, Chheda stunned fourth-seeded Omkar Vinod with a commanding straight games victory of 11-3, 11-6, 11-3 to book his place in the semifinals.
Vedant displayed maturity beyond his years, maintaining composure and employing a strategic mix of precise drop shots and powerful strokes to dominate the match. His exceptional gameplay has set him apart as a serious contender in the section.
In another quarterfinal, top-seeded Karan Yadav demonstrated his prowess, overcoming Teerth Jilka in straight games, 11-4, 12-10, 11-2. Karan held his nerve in the closely contested second game to secure his spot in the semis.
Meanwhile, Udit Mishra also advanced with a clinical display, defeating Abhinav Singh 11-5, 11-5, 11-5. Udit’s consistency and near error-free performance ensured a smooth progression to the next stage.
GU-17 Results: Anika Dubey bt Anoushka Johri 11-2,11-3,11-4; Aarika Mishra bt Saanvi Shree 11-6, 11-4,11-5; Vyomika Khandelwal bt Evana Gada 11-9, 8-11, 9-11, 11-7,11-5.