Indian players continued to impress with their performances, this time International Master Visakh N R of Tamil Nadu causing ripples with a shock defeat of GM Mikhail Ulybin of Russia, even as another Indian, G M Diptayan Ghosh emerged sole leader after 5 rounds of the Mumbai Mayor International Open Chess Tournament 2016, presented by Zee Learn Ltd and co-sponsored by LIC and Ankit Gems, at Mount Litera School International, BKC, Mumbai
Ghosh Leads the with 5 points, followed by 5 others, viz Indian GM Swapnil Dhopade, Tajakistan GM Amanatov Farruk, Shailesh Dravid of Nagpur, Himal Gusain of Haryana and IM Visakh N R of Tamil Nadu on 4 1/2.
Varun Bhat of Gujrat emerged winner in Category B followed by Singh Soram Rahul of Assam in 2ndplace and Siddhant Gaikwad of Maharashtra in 3rd.
Meanwhile top seed GM Popov Ivan of Russia had his 2nd poor round when held for a draw by Delhi’s Hemant Sharma in just 20 moves.
The game between Grandmaster Diptayan Ghosh (ELO 2562) and FM Raghunandan K S (ELO 2295), which started with Sicilian Defense went smoothly till the middle game. The pawn push on the 24th move from Diptayan was the winning cause for him.
The game between GM Mikhail Ulybin (ELO 2520) and IM Visakh N R (ELO 2400) in the Spanish opening was going well for both players till the 30th move. On the 31st move, sensing a knight fork, Mikhail made a blunder, as Visakh’s Bishops were guarding the attacking squares, which made him resign the game in 35 moves.
Round 5 results
Gusain Himal 2440 drew with GM Amonatov Farrukh (TJK) 2614; GM Ghosh Diptayan 2562 bt FM Raghunandan Kaumandur Srihari 2295; IM Shyaamnikhil P 2415 drew with GM Swapnil S. Dhopade 2504; Shailesh Dravid 2171 drew with Grachev Boris (RUS) 2639 ; GM Gleizerov Evgeny (RUS) 2506 drew with Sandipan Chanda 2585; IM Visakh N R 2400 bt GM Ulybin Mikhail (RUS) 2520; Hemant Sharma 2257 drew with GM Popov Ivan (RUS ) 2648; GM Grigoryan Karen H. (ARM) 2604 drew with Deshpande Aniruddha 2230; GM Rahman Ziaur (BAN) 2521 bt Ram S. Krishnan 2234; GM Gagare Shardul 2509 bt FM Dutta Joydeep 2226