State’s top athletes from Mumbai City, Mumbai Suburbs, Thane, Raigad and Palghar will be taking part in the third edition of the India Masters Athletics Five-District Open Track and Field Championships, to be held at University Stadium, Marine Lines, from November 3 to 5.
Jointly hosted by Masters Athletics of Maharashtra, the Championship is open to all sports clubs, Schools, institutions and organizations who are in the jurisdiction of Mumbai City, Mumbai Suburban, Thane, Palghar and Raighad Districts. The event includes men and women open, boys and girls in the age groups of U-20, U-18, U-15, U-14, U-12, U-10, U-8 and U-6.
Apart from cash prizes for the first three places in all the categories, there will also be individual trophies and certificates. There will also be team championship trophies in all the categories. The entries can be sent through Email to – . For any further details, Mr Gerald D’Souza (9821130693), Secretary General, Indian Masters Athletics, Dadoji Konddeo Stadium,Thane (400 061) may be contacted. Entries will also be accepted by MSD Hon. Secretary Arthur Fernandes (981992412) from 11:00 6:00 p.m.