Singer, Comedian, and Actor Raja Sagoo started his singing career from Hiten Tejwani’s film song ‘Bawri Poonch Pool Party’. Now he has made a song for our Bollywood’s Khans Salman Khan, Shahrukh Khan, Aamir Khan and Saif Ali Khan. Raja Sagoo left no stone unturned to show his fan loyalty towards the Khans by dedicating a song titled “The Khan Song”. In the video, he parodies Salman Khan, Shahrukh Khan, Aamir Khan and Saif Ali Khan, the same is released by A. R Rahman’s Company Qyuki.
Raja Sagoo said, “I’m a big fan of Bollywood’s Khans and this song is dedicated to our Khan’s. I’m so happy that AR Rahman Sir’s music company Qyuki is supporting me and today they are releasing this song on Youtube.”
We bring to you some of the clicks which clearly prove that Raja Sagoo is one true fan of our Khans.