Maharashtra’s Tanasha Khandpur put up a gutsy display while packing off fifth seeded Neeru Rapria, of Haryana, to enter the quarterfinals of the Yonex-Chembur Gymkhana All India women’s tennis tournament, hosted by Chembur Gymkhana here today. It was the day’s toughest tie with Tanasha after dropping the first set rallied splendidly to outwit Neeru 4-6, 7-6(4), 6-4 in a tie that las5ted more than an hour.
Another Maharashtra girl, Simran Kejriwal, was picture of confidence as she virtually made her opponent Haryana’ Harshita Chugh run all over the court before she triumpd 6-1, 6-1.
Results (Pre-quarterfinals): (1) Arthi Muniyan (TN) bt Kirandeep Kotade 6-1, 6-1; Tanasha Khandpur bt (5) Neeru Rapria 4-6, 7-6(4), 6-4; Nida Kamal bt Rea Banka 6-2, 6-0; Sai Avantika bt Malika Fernandez 6-2, 6-2; Simran Kejriwal bt Harshita Chugh (HR) 6-1, 6-1.
TENNIS – 8.30 A.M. onwards – All India women’s tournament, Chembur Gymkhana.