The top most billiards players from Mumbai, including last year’s winner Rovin D’Souza, has confirmed to participate in the SPG-Park Club Billiards Tournament – 2015, to be jointly organised by the Shivaji Park Gymkhana and Park Club, and will commence from December 12 to 27.
The other big names that will be playing for the top honours are, Siddharth Parikh who has the stiffest handicap of -650. Arun Agrawal and Nalin Patel both will play with an identical handicap of -600, while Aditya Agrawal, V. Subramania and Vishal Madan, will all have a handicap of -400.
The Tournament format is very interesting and unique with a combination of both round-robin and knockout phases. All matches will be played on time-format and points format.
The top 8 players and the handicaps: Siddharth Parikh (-650), Arun Agrawal (-600), Nalin Patel (-600), Aditya Agrawal (-400), V. Subramania (-400), Vishal Madan (-400), Ishpreet Singh Chadha (-350), Hitesh Kotwani (-350).
For more details contact: Amit Sapru: 9920321211, Shekhar Surve: 9930388703 or N. Joshi: 9