India’s Ishpreet Singh Chadha, a former National champion, who is currently testing his skills in the highly competitive and demanding professional circuit, returns to Mumbai to challenge for the top honors in the National Sports Club of India (NSCI) organized ‘Baulkline 3.0’, an All India Snooker Open 2024, which boasts of an impressive prize purse of Rs 18.5 lakhs.
The Mumbai cueist Ishpreet, vastly talented from the rise of his illustrious career, turned professional for the first time following the 2023 Asia-Oceania Q School event after he successfully qualified at Event Two. He will face stiff competition from a galaxy of illustrious snooker stars from across India in the main 64-player draw, which will commence at the NSCI billiards hall in Worli, from Saturday, January 13.
The leading contenders include National champion Saurav Kothari, who reigned supreme in the inaugural edition in 2022, last year’s champion Laxman Rawat, runners-up Aditya Mehta, and multiple-time world champion Pankaj Advani, who will be making his debut in this event.
‘Baulkline 3.0’ stands out as a pinnacle in the realm of All India Open 15-Red Snooker championships. Boasting an enhanced total prize pool of Rs 18.5 lakhs, makes it one of the richest prize-money tournaments in the country. The third edition promises a winner’s purse of Rs 5 lakhs, with the runner-up receiving 2.5 lakhs. The losing semi-finalists will each pocket Rs one lakh, while the four losing quarter-finalists will claim Rs 50,000 each. Cash prizes will cascade down to earlier rounds, with Rs. 5,000 awarded to the 32 qualifiers. Additionally, the organizing committee will present a substantial prize of Rs 1.47 lakh for achieving the maximum break of 147.
Don’t miss the action as the classy Baulkline 3.0 unfolds, showcasing the epitome of snooker excellence and offering an exciting start to the 2024 domestic snooker season.