Speaking about his film, the director said, “The title Kaluwa is inspired by the biggest love icon Lord Krishna. Krishna is called as ‘Kaluwa’. My script is about feudal age. Even in today, there are many places in India where the feudal laws are still implemented, where people are still under ‘Thakur’s raaj and law and order does not reach to the last man.”
“The conception of conceiving the script came because of the big void between the entertainment segment and the informative segment in filmmaking. Today 10 to 20% of films are the high-end filmmaking or reality-based filmmaking while 70 to 80% are the generic filmmaking, what predecessors like Subhas Ghai, Mahesh Bhatt, Manmohan Desai even Raj Kapoor has done. That’s why I targeted for a flawless love story.”, The director explained.
Joshi stated that Kaluwa is a runaway love story where two people by default come together from a polarity background. “ The two character’s journey in the film is like a roller-coaster ride. I believe it’s very full-proof genre in filmmaking because love-stories are always loaded with a lot of tension, obstacles, and adversities. It’s a genuine, Indian ethnical story.”
“I wanted to make a smooth story so that people do not have to use their brain to decipher. The audience should identify with the film,” he added.
Asked about the shooting location, Joshi replied, “We are fortunate to shoot this on Mirjaan Fort and some parts will be shoot Kolhapur and Satara. And other lateral portions will be filming in Mumbai.”
Kaluwa is produced by Md. Arif Khan, under the banner Vaartul Films Pvt. Ltd.
The romance drama tentatively will be releasing this year-end.