Gun for Glory prodigies Shreya Agrawal and para-shooter Swaroop Unhalkar affixed their stamp of class in the national shooting arena of India as both returned with individual medals in their respective category in the ongoing XVII Kumar Surendra Singh (KSS) Memorial Shooting Championship at the Karni Singh Shooting Range here.
Shreya, who is already part of Indian Junior National Squad proved her prowess and continued her ascent to the top. The MP shooter who is based out of GFG’s Jabalpur campus returned with an impressive total of 247.7 to finish ahead of Mehuli Ghosh to run away with the top honours in the youth category in the 10M Air Rifle competition. She then continued her form into the junior category as well winning the silver medal by shooting a total 249 finishing behind Mehuli Ghosh.
“We would like to congratulate both the shooters for this wonderful feat and their achievements that goes on to underline the quality training that GFG puts them through. It also shows the progress that each of these shooters have made and I am extremely happy to witness the way their career is shaping. And who knows, they are not far for becoming champion shooters, who could very well go on to win many more medals and make the country proud,” ace Indian shooter and founder Director, of GFG Gagan Narang said.
Swaroop who trains at the GFG centre in Pune shot a total of 609.1 to finish just a point adrift of Vhora Adambhai who shot 610.3 to end second on the podium in the 10M Air Rifle Category (Para-Shooting Standing). The Kolhapur shooter is part of the GFG’s ambitious Vission 2024 ‘Project Leap’ and has already represented India in the World Shooting Para Sport, in Ail Ain earlier this year.
A total of 32 GFG shooters are taking part in the KSS Championship in the Air Rifle and Pistol category of them 6 of them being part of the ambitious grassroots excellence Programme; Project Leap; four from the Air Rifle and two in the Air Pistol category.