Players from Pune’s Sanmitra’A’ team put up a good show on the opening day, before going down to Solapur’s ‘A’ team in the second round of the men’s team event of the Veterans’ State Ranking table tennis tournament , being held at Prabodhankar Thackeray Complex at Vile Parle(East).
Though Solapur’s Anant Kulkarni won his both singles to take his team into third round with 3-1 win, he had to struggle beating Sanmitra’s Samir Deo in his reverse singles match, which he won narrowly 3-2. In the decider Samir led 2-0 but lost this crucial 5th game 11-6. Earlier, Samir had taken one point for Sanmitra, scoring a straight win over Solapur’s Dr.Nilkanth Potdar. Though Sanmitra lost a point with Anant scoring over their S.Panse, Samir along with Ajit Thombre put up a good fight in the doubles against balanced combination of Dr. Nilkanth and Anant, though they lost narrowly 2-3.
Mr.Arvind Prabhoo(President),Dr.Nilesh Shah, Dr.Chaitanya Badhe were present as guests for the opening ceremony in the morning and they were welcomed by tournament organiser Sameer Bhate and MVTTC Secretary Suhas Dandekar.
Tomorrow’s matches begin at 9 am with individual singles in Men’s 40+ . Finals will be played from 4pm onwards.