The Sports Authority of India (Kandivali), in co-ordination with the Athletic Federation of India, will be holding trials for athletes from Maharashtra and Goa to select trainees in difference age groups in long distance events for their Elite Athlete Excellence Programme. The trials will be held at SAI Centre on October 23 (Friday) and 24 (Saturday.). A participant has to be between 16 and 23 years. This is the first phase of the program to select 15 -20 trainees, who will later be participating in the Delhi Half Marathon in their respective categories.
The Events for both men and women are: 3000m; 5000 10000m. Athletes who are interested will have to bring their original/xerox date of birth certificates, three passport size photographs, residence proof certificate and fitness certificate from a qualified doctor at the time of registration at 2 p.m. on the opening day. For further details Mr K.C.Suthar (8080401414/-2228876059) may be contacted.