Just after PM Modi’s speech, ‘Saansein’ producers decided to push the release date of their film. ‘Saansein’ which was supposed to be release coming friday along with ‘Rock on 2’ has now rescheduled its release date to 25th of November and will now be releasing along with Gauri Shinde’s film ‘Dear Zindagi’ staring Shahrukh Khan and Alia Bhatt.
The film was pushed ahead as PM Narendra Modi demonetized Rs.500/- and Rs.1000/- currency notes . This would have affected the people to prioritize a film over other basic necessities.
Goutam Jain the producer of the film stated, “After an internal meeting with the team and with respect to Modijis decision, we decided to push the release of the film. Now we are releasing the film on 25th November with Dear Zindagi.”
‘Saansein’ is a contemporary horror film that ingeniously weaves classic techniques with a modern twist. The film has been shot in one of the most haunted places of Mauritius, that promises to give the audience a spine chilling experience. The film is directed by Rajiv S Ruia and produced by Goutam Jain. The film stars Rajniesh Duggall, Sonarika Bhadoria, Hiten Tejwani & Neetha Shetty.