Rovin D’Souza, the champion of the previous tournament last year and Mahesh Jagdale, who is fighting to win this year, both managed a win in their quarter-final games to progress into the semi-final round of the SPG-Park Club Billiards Tournament – 2015, which is being jointly organised by the Shivaji Park Gymkhana and Park Club.
In the quarter-final game, Mahesh Jagdale (handicap -230) showed perfect control and created two useful breaks of 77 and 61 points during his victory against a former champion of this tournament, Rohan Jambusaria (handicap -210). Jagdale managed to finish the race to 300 points match winning with a score of 300-128 points.
In another quarter-final game, Rovin D’Souza (handicap -140) was rewarded for his steady play against Hasan Badami (-170) by winning the game with a good 300-175 points difference to qualify for the semi-finals.
Quarter-final round (race to 300 points): Mahesh Jagdale (handicap – 230) bt Rohan Jambusaria (handicap -210) 300-128.
Rovin D’Souza (handicap -140) bt Hasan Badami (handicap -170) 300-175.