Rohan Potdar led the Maharashtra challenge in the boys under-17 as he downed Delhi’s Sarthak Malhotra in a thriller boys under-17 tie to storm into pre-quarterfinals of the GSC-All India squash Open,hosted by Goregaon Sports Club, under the auspices of Squash Rackets Federation of India, here today. Rohan triumphed 11-5, 8-11, 11-4, 5-11, 11-6.
Among others from Maharashtra, Mohit Bhatt, the No 2 seed, was at his best while beating Fateh Singh Saberwal, also from Maharashtra 11-8, 11-7, 11-9 to enter the round of 16..
Ravi Dixit, a former Asian junior champion, now with Navy, showed his class by scoring an emphatic 11-3, 11-4, 11-8 win over Maharashtra’s Puneet Pareek. So too, Ahiishek Pradhan, the top seed, who did not have to sweat much as he put out Shanay Dharod 11-1, 11-7, 11-2.
Results (Round of 32):
Ravi Dixit (SER) bt Puneet Pareek (MH) 11-3, 11-4, 11-8;(1)-Abhishek Pradhan (MH) bt Shanay Dharod (MH) 11-1. 11-7, 11-2.
BOYS U-17: (Round of 32): Rohan Potdar (MH) bt Sarthak Malhotra (DL) 11-5, 8-11, 11-4, 5-11, 11-6; MohitBhattn(MH)nbtbFateh Singh Saberwal (MH) 11-8,11-7, 11-9; (1)- Abhishek Kumar (CH) bt Harsh Baheti (MH) 11-4,11-6,11-4;Shreyansh Agarwal (MH) bt Advait Iyer (MH) 11-9, 13-11, 11-4; ahaan Bhansali (MH) bt Krish Bhatija (MH)11-3, 11-3, 11-6; Arman Darukhanwalla (MH) bt Manav Mody (MH) 11-5, 11-3, 11-4; Arnav Mandhana(MH) bt Sreekartikeyan (TN) 11-8, 11-5, 11-6; Arin Khot (MH)bt Yash Kothari (MH) 11-3, 11-3, 11-7; Ishaan Singh (RJ) bt Aaryan Mehta (MH) 11-7, 11-5, 11-8; Sunny Yadav (MH) bt Himay KAPADIA (mh) 11-4, 11-2,11-4.