Cricket Club of India’s Hasan Badami played a significant role and rescued his team CCI ‘Jedi’s’ from the brink of elimination. The lanky cueist, Badami, produced match-saving efforts by winning the third and decisive fifth frames to help Jedi’s snatch a come behind 3-2 win over Garware Club House team GCH ‘Cuerators’ in the best-of-five-frame round of 32 match of the Billiards & Snooker Association of Maharashtra organized Otters-BSAM Mumbai Snooker League 2019 and played at the Otters Club billiards room.
Jedi’s lost the first two frames and were staring at defeat, but the ever-reliable Badami (+10 handicap) lived up to the expectation of his teammates as he managed to defeat Kartik Jhaveri (+40 handicap) 84-75 in winning the 15-red singles, third frame, which helped turn things around. Later, Mukund Bharadia (+10) who had lost to Cuerators’ Saumil Karkera (+45) 57-101 in the second singles frame, came up with a more disciplined approach when the two met again in the fourth frame. This time Bharadia showed better consistency and capitalized on the openings that were on offer to tame Karkera 98-67 and level the match scores at 2-2.
In the fifth and deciding frame, Badami once again looked in control and with some steady play he managed to outshine Cuerators’ Rishabh Kumar (+35) coasting to 99-68 victory and salvage an astonishing win for the CCI team. Earlier, in the 9-red doubles, first frame, the CCI pair of Siddhraj Shah and Giriraj Goglani (+27) lost to Amar Parikh and Rishabh Kumar (+26) 68-77. Jedi’s will meet Catholic Gymkhana’s CG ‘Derek Decapitare’ in the last 16 round on Tuesday.
In another match, Juhu Vile Parle Gymkhana’s JVPG ‘Mafia’ muscled their way past Islam Gymkhana’s IG ‘A’ by marching to straight frame 3-0 verdict to set up a pre-quarter-final meeting with Santacruz Gymkhana team Santacruz ‘Sunrisers’ also on Tuesday.
North India Association’s team NIA ‘Surgical Strikers’ and Malabar Hill Club’s MHCL ‘Snooker Stars’ also won their respective matches to progress to the last 16 round.
NIA ‘Surgical Strikers’ beat Radio ‘Warriors’ 3-1, while MHCL ‘Snooker Stars’ got the better of ECC ‘Elfies Old Foxes’ 3-2.
Results –
Round 32: CCI ‘Jedi’s’ beat GCH ‘Cuerators’ 3-2 (Siddhraj Shah/ Giriraj Goglani (+27) lost Amar Parikh/ Rishabh Kumar (+26) 68-77; Mukund Bharadia (+10) lost Saumil Karkera (+45) 57-101; Hasan Badami (+10) beat Kartik Jhaveri (+40) 84-75; Mukund Bharadia (+10) beat Saumil Karkera (+45) 98-67; Hasan Badami (+10) beat Rishabh Kumar (+35) 99-68).
NIA ‘Surgical Strikers’ beat Radio ‘Warriors’ 3-1 (Divesh Gangwani (+45) beat Imran Muttun (+55) 103-60; Manjit Singh/ Rajan Gupta (+29) lost Alam Mirza/ Suchit Shah (+35) 68-82; Hardik Vyas (+50) beat Jehanbux Bhandar (+60) 101-90; Divesh Gangwani (+45) beat Imran Muttun (+55) 93-91).
MHCL ‘Snooker Stars’ beat ECC ‘Elfies Old Foxes’ 3-2 (Manan Shah (+40) lost Naman Agarwal (+40) 81-89; Manav Panchal (+20) beat Vilas Upsham (+35) 110-66; Akshat Kejriwal/ Raajeev Sharma (+26) beat Farhad Tengra/ Kersie Gandhi (+23) 73-23; Manav Panchal (+20) lost Naman Agarwal (+40) 63- 100; Raajeev Sharma (+40) beat Vilas Upsham (+35) 101-83).
JVPG ‘Mafia’ beat IG ‘A’ 3-0 (Asutosh Padhye (+10) beat Taha Khan (+15) 76-33; Krishna Saraf (+40) beat Abdur Rehman (+20) 98-60; Rahil Patel/ Adit Raja (+24) beat Haji Usman/ Sahil Khan (+24) 82-59).