The top two seeds, Puneet Pareek and Tushar Shahani comfortably won their respective boys’ under-21 second round matches of the Indian Squash Professional (ISP) organised Rs 80,000 prize-money JVPG-ISP Squash Challenge-League 2, being played at the Juhu Vile Parle Gymkhana courts. This event is the 117th tournament to be conducted by ISP.
The number one seed Puneet sidelined Prashant Atul in straight games at 11-2, 11-9 while second seed Tushar also did not face too much opposition in getting past Kumanshu Furai winning at 11-2, 11-5.
Third seed Aman Khumbani and fourth seed Shloke Sahay also progressed to the third. Aman defeated Sourabh Lekhwar 11-3, 11-5 and Shloke prevailed over Azad Singh 11-4, 11-9 in other second round matches.
Results –
Boys’ under-21 (2nd round): Puneet Pareek bt Prashant Atul 11-2, 11-9; Pinto Rai bt Anmol Singh 11-3, 11-4; Ansh Punjabi bt Divit Poojary 11-6, 11-4; Aman Khumbani bt Sourabh Lekhwar 11-3, 11-5; Shloke Sahay bt Azad Singh 11-4, 11-9; Mayur Jadhav bt Nilesh Pal 11-9, 11-4; Pradeep Chaudhary bt Arjun Singh 11-4, 13-11; Tushar Shahani bt Kumanshu Furai 11-2, 11-5.
Doubles Handicap (2nd round): Rajan Chheda/ Vivek Khanna bt Anjum Shaikh/ Nadeem Shaikh 11-6, 11-8; Nitin Singh/ Puneet Pareek bt Manoj Solanki/ Simejit Singh 11-10, 9-11, 11-9; Shashi Gupta/ Shloke Sahay bt Akhilesh Sahani/Anu Malik 11-7, 11-9; Anil Mohite / Sachin Jadhav bt Ankita Sharma / Samir Mistry 11-2, 10-11, 11-4; Amitpal Kohli / Siddharth Samantray bt Jitin Ghanghaa / Nilesh Pal 11-9, 11-10; Manoj Manjrekar and Vabhiav Sathle bt Arjun Singh/Pintu Rai 11-9, 7-11, 11-8; Rupesh Parmar/ Vikas Pal bt Avinash Yadav/ Pradeep Chaudhary 10-11, 11-8, 11-6; Dr Vishal S Narang/Rajesh Sonavane bt Naresh Kumar/ Waqar Pathan 11-9, 10-11, 11-9.