Poinsur Gymkhana Pro TT from Dec 5th

The Poinsur Gymkhana Open promotional table tennis tournament for both city and suburban players will be held on December 5 and 6. The events included are: junior boys and girls, sub-junior boys and girls, cadet boys and girls and the midget boys and girls. Entries may be sent online on msdtta@gmail.com with a copy to poinsurgymkhana@gmail.com upto 6 p.m. on December 1. For further information contact Ms Amit Modi (9029029242) and/or Poinsur Gymkhana official Mr Surti (9821763414).

Since this is season’s first promotional event, no current seeded player shall be allowed in any event as per details below: Midget girls – top 2 seeds; . Midget boys – top 4 seeds; Cadet girls – top 4 seeds; Cadet boys – top 8 seeds;. Sub-junior girls – Top 4 seeds;. Sub-junior boys – top 8 seeds; Junior girls – top 4 seeds and Junior boys – top 8 .seeds .

Moreover, a player can participate in maximum of two events. No player will be allowed to participate in more than two events.