P3 Sports to host 3rd Mumbai Inter Corporate TT Tourney

P3 Sports Management Company, which has been promoting the game of Table Tennis at trhe grassroot level in Mumbai, for the past 3 years, will be hosting their 3rd Mumbai Inter Corporate Table Tennis Tourney at Khar Gymkhana on 20th and 21st August 2016.LOGO P3


There will be Corporate Team event as well as individual events for the team players, in different categories, such as Men’s Singles, Women’s Singles, Veterans’ Singles and Men’s Doubles.


This tournament, which is approved by MSDTTA, is being sponsored by Avant  Infra and Moxi Steel Impex.  Many renowned players are expected to take part in this tournament. For Online registration of entries and for more details, please visit the official site of the hosts @ www.p3-sports.com