About a couple of decades back, in April, a studio named Empire studios was launched in Mumbai, which later became a big name, in the presence of India’s first superstar Rajesh Khanna, Over the period of time studio-culture waned because film makers started preferring real locations and places. And Empire studio too lost it’s glory. But coincidently in the same studio and in April this year a new studio named Vikrant Studios was inaugurated which wants to bridge the widening gap for experienced production services and equipment supported with high end post production facilities. Also coincidently India’s biggest all-time superstar Amitabh Bachchan was to inaugurate the studio but due to getting stuck in a shoot could not make it but was gracious enough to send best wishes through an AV which was played at the event.
The CMD of Vikrant Studios, Subhash Kale, who has wide spread experience in providing services for post production and who also is well versed with technical know-how, commented ‘We want to be ‘one point contact’ for film makers and want the end product to be on par with Hollywood. We already have one studio which has been associated with post production of 70-80 films, both hindi and marathi viz. Kick, hate Story 3, Roy, Villain, All is Well, Welcome Back, Classmates, Dagdi Chawl, Natasamrat to name a few. This new studio is still more high-end.’ Vikrant Studios provides all pre and post production facilities like dubbing, mixing, cameras & lenses hiring, preview theatre, customised location etc. and has hired extremely skilled and experienced personnel.
The event was emceed by marathi actor Abhijit Khandkekar and this newly opened Vikrant Studios already has pre-bookings of upcoming films like Traffic and Verappan.