MDFA Sub-Junior Girls’ selection trials on Saturday

The Mumbai District Football Association (MDFA) will be conducting trials on Saturday, January 2 and Sunday January 3, 2016 to shortlist Mumbai players, who will be sent to attend a selection camp to select the Maharashtra State Sub-Junior Girls’ Under-14 team. Girls born between 01-01-2002 and 31-12-2003 are eligible to attend the trials, which will be conducted on both days from 8.00am onwards at the MSSA Schools’ Sports Centre, Azad Maidan.

All those girls who are interested in attending the trials are requested to report with their playing kit and the original certificates/passport to verify their proof of age.
The players selected from the MDFA trials will then have to attend the Maharashtra (WIFA) state selection trials which will be conducted later at Cooperage, Mumbai.