Western Railway and Union Bank of Indian will clash in the opening match of the MDFA Elite Division League 2017-2018 which is scheduled to commence at the Cooperage ground from Friday, September 29. A total of 12 teams will be participating in the league. The match will kick-off at 3.45 pm.
Defending champions Air India will began the defence of their title when they take on promoted outfit Mumbai Strikers in the first match on Saturday, October 7.
Meanwhile, last season’s runners-up ONGC will play their opening game against Union Bank of India on Sunday, October 8.
Promoted sides Mumbai Strikers and Century Rayon will be making their debut in this big league.
The teams: Air India, ONGC, Western Railway, Mumbai Customs, Maharashtra State Police, Union Bank of India, Central Bank of India, Kenkre FC, PIFA Colaba, Karnatak Sporting Association, Mumbai Strikers, Century Rayon.