Ketan Chawla of Madhya Pradesh and Mumbai’s promising talent, 19-year-old Hamehr Mago of Khar Gymkhana, both produced impressive performances and in convincing fashion won their respective best-of-five frame second round matches by identical 3-0 margins in the Rs 12.25 lakh prize-money CCI All India Open Snooker Championship 2018, and played at the CCI’s Wilson Jones Billiards Room, on Friday morning.
The MP cueist Ketan did not take much time to adjust to the table and immediately got into a groove in his match against Kartik Shah of P.J. Hindu Gymkhana. He showed excellent control and accuracy with his potting as he rolled in a composed break of 79 in the first frame and followed it up with a 54 run in the next. Showing consistency he managed another decent run of 44 in the third to quickly close out the match, coasting to a 99-0, 74-34, 68-1 victory.
On the adjacent table, Harmehr Mago, was equally dominant his match against Dhruv Singh of Telagana and also compiled a couple of good useful breaks to set up his win. He had a run of 38 in the first and finished with a break of 40 in winning the third as he charged past the Telagana cueist and completed a deserving 63-26, 60-38, 71-15 win to join his younger brother Sumehr in the third round. The 13-year-old Sumehr had defeated Nikhil Ootam 3-2 on Thursday.
Mumbai’s Rahul Sachdev was also impressive and registered an authoritative 3-0 win against Darshan Shah of Matunga Gymkhana. The left-handed Rahul potted steadily to enjoy complete control as he romped to a 78-20, 64-26, 62-32 win later in the day.
Results – second round: Nabil Lakdawala (TLGN) bt Tushar Pankhania (Bhyander) 3-1 (20-63, 49-39, 63-45, 58-18); Harmehr Mago (Khar Gym) bt Dhruv Singh (TLGN) 3-0 (63(38)-26, 60-38, 71(40)-15); Ketan Chawla (MP) bt Kartik Shah (PJHG) 3-0 (99(79)-0, 74(54)-34, 68(44)-1); Dhruv Sitwala (PSPB) bt Durlabh Sisodiya (KSBA) 3-1 (27-48, 39-25, 68-20, 8-34); Alexander Rego (Pune) bt Kushal Chandrashekhar (KSBA) 3-1 (57-24, 58-22, 69-72, 49-48); R. Girish (Rly) bt Ashish C. Shah (Baroda) 3-1 (58-31, 70-40, 21-61, 67-21); Karan Mangat (Vashi) bt Mahadev Bhogle (JVPG) 3-2 (56-19, 66-20, 35-61, 32-47, 45-43; Taaha Khan (Pune) bt Saurabh Mehrotra (Radio Club) 3-0 (60-27, 59-24, 71(40)-2); Nitesh Madan (Rly) bt Akhil Saiyed (Vashi) 3-0 (79-32, 63(58)-0, 62(41)-12); Mukund Bharadia (CCI) bt Krishna Saraf (JVPG) 3-0 (62-1, 67-40, 47-4); B.L.Dheeraj (TLGN) bt Pankaj Vanjari (Ghatkopar) 3-1 (59-20, 71-58, 56-57, 56-20); Vignesh Thangamani (Panvel) w/o Avenish Shah (MCF); Rahul Sachdev (CS) bt Darshan Shah (MG) 3-0 (78-20, 64-26, 62-32); Piyush Khushwa (BSAA) bt Joseph Menezes (Otters Club) 3-2 (32-40, 87-15, 54-39, 40-75(47), 82-13).