Mumbai FC after having successfully launched their campaign with a 1-0 win against DSK Shivajians FC, Pune last Sunday, received a big shot in the arm with Fortis Hospital, Mulund coming on board as the official health partner of the club for the current I-League season. The medical experts from Fortis Hospital, Mulund, will treat the players of the club’s First Team and the Youth Teams (Reserves, U-18, U-16 and U-14), for injuries and provide quicker rehabilitation process, thereby reducing the recovery time. The medical teams will also educate and train young players and their coaches on injury prevention, diet, nutrition monitoring and analysis.
Mumbai FC, will support Fortis Hospital, Mulund, to drive CSR initiatives across the city, through educational programs on preventive care, emergency care, awareness about organ donation and many other community-first causes.
Mumbai FC’s Head Coach Santosh Kashyap underlined the importance of having a healthcare partner like Fortis Hospital on board as he said, “It’s essential for a club like Mumbai. The players are always vulnerable to injuries in training and competition. Having Fortis on board gives everyone at the club a sense of security. Also, the education they will provide to prevent injuries will help us during the season.”
Speaking about the association, Dr S. Narayani, Zonal Director, Fortis Hospital, Mulund, said, “These young footballers need best medical aid to keep them in top shape. We will provide them with the specialized medical aid.”
The partnership with Fortis comes as a major positive for Mumbai FC who started their I-League campaign on a winning note defeating DSK Shivajians 1-0 on Sunday, at the Cooperage ground..