Former Maharashtra and Mafatlal Sports Club football player, Keith Swaine, breathed his last after a brief illness at a hospital in Baroda on Wednesday. Swaine, 66, is survived by his wife Donita and daughter Tracy.
Swaine, a versatile and dominant midfielder, was known to be a gentleman on the field. The tall, lanky player had moved from Ratlam to Bombay (now Mumbai) and first played for Western Railway. His talent was soon noticed and he was picked to represent the famed Bombay club, Mafatlal, which was one of the leading football clubs in the city.
He also represented Maharashtra (WIFA) in the National Football Championship for the Santosh Trophy and served both the State team and his club with distinction for many years. After hanging up his boots, he continued to work at the Mafatlal Mills before its closure and then returned to his place of birth, Ratlam, and spent the remaining days of his life.
His funeral rites and burial took place in Ratlam on Thursday evening.