The top Indian players and some foreign players have confirmed their participation in the Rs 5 lakh prize-money NSCI Indian Classic Junior Open Squash Championship 2016, which is an SRFI 4-Star sanctioned and an ASF Silver event and is being conducted and hosted by NSCI at their glass-back courts from Tuesday, July 19 to Sunday, July 24, 2016.
This year three girl’s from Hong Kong, Ka Wing Ho (girls’ under-19), Tin Yan Lau and Sin Yuk Chan (girls’ under-15) will feature in the girl’s draw, while Md Imrul Hasan and Md Rafiquzzanman, both from Bangladesh will be fighting for top honours in the Men under-23 event. Anay Sawant, an 8-year-old lad from Burlingame, California will be seen in action in the boys’ under-11 category.
Competition will be conducted for Boys and Girls’ in the under-11, under-13, under-15, under-17, under-19, Men and Women under-23 categories.
The winners and runners-up in all categories will receive handsome cash awards and trophies. Prizes will also be awarded to players who finish from the third to eighth positions. All the players who took part in the tournament will receive participation certificates.
The qualifying rounds will commence from July 19 and the main draw will start from July 21. The top eight ranked registered players will be seeded directly in the main draw. The final is scheduled for Sunday, July 24.