ZEE 5, India’s #2 OTT player has announced its first Hindi Original film ‘TIGERS’ – Can a salesman be a hero?’ starring Emraan Hashmi, by Oscar winning director Danis Tanovic. TIGERS is a true story based on a Pakistani salesman Syed Aamir Raza (played by Emraan Hashmi) and his fight against unjust practices in the baby products’ industry. Produced by Cinemorphic & Sikhya Entertainment Tigers will premiere exclusively on ZEE5 on 21st November.
The movie shows Emraan Hashmi exposing his company for making a baby formula which is killing infants with the help of IBFAN (The International Baby Food Action Network). The film also features prominent artists like Adil Hussain, Geetanjali, Danny Huston (Wonder Woman), Khalid Abdalla (The Kite Runner), Supriya Pathak, Satyadeep Misra, Maryam d’Abo (The Living Daylights) and Heino Ferch (Run Lola Run) among others.
Emraan Hashmi said, “This movie is very close to my heart, and I am thrilled to announce its premiere with a platform like ZEE5. We have premiered at the prestigious Toronto Film Festival and travelled around the world with the film and the story has received a heart-warming welcome across. We sincerely believe that this is a story that the people should know, and hope that the audience likes it.”
Manish Aggarwal, Business Head, ZEE5 India, said, “TIGERS is a film based on a true story that explores the power of corporates, media and ethics by Danis Tanovic. Emraan’s portrayal of the protagonist will make sure the message travels far and wide. Movies such as Tigers are essential to spark a meaningful debate in popular conversation and we are proud to present it as the first Hindi Original film from ZEE5.”