Fine Show by 7 year old Jaisal Shah in MSSA Chess

Jaisal Shah, a 7 year old boy from JBCN International School, Grade 2 recently took part in MSSA ( Mumbai Schools Sports Association ) U-10 Boys category Chess tournament held at  Dharavi Sports Complex.  In this tournament Jaisal defeated India no 1, Asia no 1 and World no 5 ( 1748 rating) rated player Aarav Dengla.

Jaisal Shah receiving his certificate

Jaisal Shah receiving his certificate


Jaisal also defeated other strong rated players in the tournament. He was the youngest to play in U-10 boys category.  With this achievement, Jaisal has won 60th trophy in chess , along  with a certificate. Jaisal  stood 2nd in this tournament  at Round 8. His performance was appreciated by one and all.



In past Jaisal Shah had defeated WCM world rank 6 Suhani Lohia in another tournament. At 7 he has long way to go. But, looking at the progress of this youngest Chess genius, the day is not far to find him reach the Top World position. All that he needs is encouragement from time to time.