FFD Announces Mega Diabetes Awareness Drive on World Diabetes Day 2021


On the occasion of World Diabetes Day, Freedom from Diabetes (FFD) – India’s leading organisation specializing in Diabetes Reversal will launch a mega awareness drive to educate, support and inspire diabetics across the world to lead healthier lives as well as to try and achieve its reversal. As part of the drive, FFD will undertake ‘Serve A Smoothie’ campaign from the 21st to the 28th of November, in which beneficiaries of FFD’s Diabetes Reversal programme will volunteer to serve a healthy smoothie to their acquaintances who may be suffering from diabetes. The campaign will be rolled out globally and expects to serve one lakh individuals with the smoothies with the underlying objective of educating people on the root cause of diabetes and to clear the myths around it.

Dr. Pramod Tripathi, Founder- FFD

Dr. Pramod Tripathi, Founder- FFD


Alongside, on the same day i.e. 14th November 2021, FFD will bring two pioneering diabetes reversal specialists – Dr Pramod Tripathi and Padma Vibhushan recipient Dr B.M. Hegde together for an interactive online session on the FFD websiteYouTube & Facebook at 12pm for an insightful discussion on diabetes reversal.


“As per the latest edition of the IDF Diabetes Atlas, one in ten adults are affected by diabetes and four in five adults with diabetes live in low and middle income countries. 537 million adults around the world are living with diabetes and this number is estimated to rise to 643 million by 2030. Over the last seven years, FFD has helped over 11,000 individuals reverse their diabetes and we are on a mission to free 100,000 diabetics by 2025. On World Diabetes Day, FFD will launch ‘Serve A Smoothie’ campaign to raise awareness, educate and eradicate myths on diabetes. FFD will also offer diabetics a scientifically proven way which could help them in reversing diabetes. We believe that diabetics can live full and healthy lives and, we are here to make it happen,” says Dr Pramod Tripathi, Founder, FFD.Home FFD-logo


Through the campaign, as a first step, FFD aims to promote a change towards healthy consumption choices. Second, it hopes to garner trust amongst diabetics through first-hand stories of individuals who have successfully reversed diabetes. The campaign will culminate on the 30th of November with Dr Tripathi holding a live session to address the various aspects of diabetes and to take questions from participants.


“FFD’s offers an Intensive Reversal programme that is science and research based. The programme’s life-changing protocols have proven effectiveness thousands of times over and diabetics across the world have experienced not only a release from diabetes but also a complete transformation in health, positivity, and emotional stability. Diabetics, who wish to transform their lives for the better, merely need to take that first-step resolve towards living a healthier lifestyle. Once here, FFD will hand-hold them through their entire journey towards reversing diabetes,” concludes Dr Tripathi.