Hashmukh Baria, a former Maharashtra and present State Bank of India football player passed away all of a sudden on Saturday, September 3, 2016. Baria, an active MDFA Executive Committee member, was getting to leave for the India vs Puerto Rico International Friendly match, when he suffered a cardiac arrest at his residence in Parel. He was rushed to a nearby hospital, but was declared dead on admission.
Baria, 47, was a gifted football striker who could convert half chances. He played one season for Mahindra & Mahindra before he joined State Bank of India in 1988. Besides playing for Maharashtra in the National Football Championship for the Santosh Trophy, he also donned the colours of famed Calcutta club Mohammedan Sporting.
Since he joined State Bank, he has continuously played competitive football and till last season had represented his employers in the MDFA Super Division league. He was expected to continue to playing for State Bank but death took his away.
The MDFA will hold a condolence meeting as a mark of respect and to pay tributes to the departed footballer Baria on Friday, September 9 at 5.30 pm at Cooperage ground. All team members and football lovers are requested to attend the condolence meeting.