The Maharashtra Carrom Association (MCA) has very kindly offered to conduct a carrom tournament for sports journalists. The tournament will be held at L.J. Training Centre, 1st Floor, Behind Kotak Bank, NC Kelkar Road, Dadar West from 10.30 am onwards on May 31, 2023 (Wednesday).
The tournament will be held on a knockout basis with men and women competing together.
All sports journalists are invited to participate. Those interested in being part of this competition can email their name and phone number to
The organisers will be making five to six boards available and the games will be supervised by MCA referees. The format – full games or best of five boards – will be decided on the day of the competition judging from the response.
Snacks, lunch and refreshments will be provided by the Maharashtra Carrom Association.
For any queries regarding this competition, please contact Subodh Mayure (SJAM Executive Committee member) on
88799 93551.