Bank of India produced a strong combined performance and went on to register a thumping 6-1 win against Central Railway Mumbai Division in a Super Division match of the MDFA (Mumbai District Football Association) League 2016-2017, and played at the Mumbai Football Arena, Shahaji Raje Bhosale Kreeda Sankul-BKLP (Andheri Sports Complex), on Wednesday evening.
Aishwarya Harlek and Charles Fernandes, both struck a brace of goals each while Gaurav More and Krupesh Sherwade netted one apiece to seal the win.
Results – Super Div: Bank of India 6 (Aishwarya Harlek 2, Charles Fernandes 2, Gaurav More, Krupesh Sherwade) beat Central Railway Mumbai Division 1 (Asif Jamal).