Many of the Mumbai Suburban present and past players like former state and district stalwart Sushant Niddodi, and Prashant Shah, Anil D’Souza,Gaurav Shah, Satish Sharma in men and Rhea Rocque, Nisha Sequeira, Dimple Pandhi and Suman Sharma among women will be seen in action in the 5th MCF-Badminton Premier League, to be played on round-robin basis, which gets underway at Mandpeshwar Civic Federation’s courts from tomorrow (Friday, December 8).
Each tie in the eight-team league will comprise men’s singles, mixed doubles, and three doubles including veterans. A player can play only in one event. Each team can have maximum of nine players and each tie between two teams has to be played on best-of-five matches basis Since points are awarded for each win, the complete tie has to be played irrespective of the results. The team winning the toss will have to decide the order of matches.
The teams are Maverick Squad, Badminton Snippers, Paradise Warriors, Other Planet, Namo Warriors, CENSEO Smashers, SAI Shuttlers and MBL Shuttlers.