She has taken on challenges and turned them to advantages like no other leading lady in Bollywood. Anushka Sharma, who won love from audiences and critics as the friendly ghost Shashi in Phillauri, will now star in Pari, the next co-production of her banner Clean Slate Films with KriArj Entertainment, this being their 1st from the many, they plan to do together.
With her presence, Anushka brings a super impressive box office track record and tremendous acting prowess. Bengali star Parambrata Chatterjee will co-star in the film. Clean Slate Films has promoted and empowered new talent behind the camera to make qualitative cinema. Taking that forward, Pari will be directed by debutant, Prosit Roy. The film goes on floors this June.
Clean Slate Films has displayed ability to cut across genres with the gritty NH10 and endearing Phillauri, successfully delivering hits that were not just stories that stand apart but also execution par excellence in all departments of film making- music, direction, Vfx, etc.
KriArj Entertainment has had a superb beginning with Rustom, now doing another with Akshay Kumar in Toilet Ek Prem Katha. Rustom went ahead to be a National Film Award winner and a blockbuster too. They have surged ahead to have an enviable line up of upcoming films like John Abraham starrer, Vishal Bhardwaj’s production.
Together, these banners share a common love for great cinema and Pari promises to bring the best of both onscreen.
Speaking on the film, Anushka said, “At Clean Slate Films, we focus on a good, engaging story above all else. With new talent, we get to work on newer ideas and innovative concepts. Pari is a great script, and I have complete faith in Prosit’s vision as well as this collaboration with KriArj Entertainment.”
Parambrata Chatterjee added, “I was impressed with the script and team of Pari, and loved the idea of working with Anushka Sharma. This film holds great promise and I look forward to its shoot soon.”
Co-produced by Clean Slate Films and KriArj Entertainment along with Kyta Productions, Pari will go on floors this June.