Known for his stylish batting Amol Muzumdar created a record in the game of cricket, scoring highest ever score by an Indian cricketer on his first-class debut. He also scored the most runs in the Ranji Trophy, India’s premier domestic first-class cricket competition. However, despite his success at domestic level, he was never selected for the Indian national team. After playing for Mumbai, later he played for Assam. Even today, he is the most respected cricketer in Mumbai, after Sachin Tendulkar. This was noticed, when he was welcomed by the audience, after he was called on the dais, during the launch of a site, exclusively for sports.
During the debate held by well Known sports programme host Dwarkanath Sanzgiri, there was one expected question for Amol coming from Mr. Sanzgiri, asking him to comment on the report of Lodha Committee and its implementation by BCCI. And, like the way he went for his batting, he batted for Lodha Committee, expressing his own frank views. “Lodha Committe is supreme. Personally, I feel BCCI should not go beyond that order and should accept the report, instead of ignoring their recommendations.” And, there was big applaud from the audience, endorsing his views.
Perhaps, Amol is the only cricketer, who has expressed his views frankly with his clear conscience. Even otherwise, he has always been vocal against injustice. Well said, Amol. Yesterday, the ball was in your court, and you have striked it well across the fence.