Superstar Amitabh Bachchan who is currently busy with his ongoing popular quiz show on television, will start shooting for his next film ‘Jhund’ soon with a non stop schedule in Nagpur. The thespian will start shooting for ‘Jhund’ in the second half of November, after the KBC Season finale,
While his role in Jhund has been kept tightly under wraps, we hear that is one of the most charismatic avatars he has played onscreen. Jhund is apparently based on the life of Vijay Barse who is the founder of slum soccers. Mr Bachchan plays a professor who channelises the street kids to build a soccer team. The total shoot duration is 70-80 days, Mr Bachchan will shoot for 45 days straight in Nagpur. The kids will be meeting him and doing rehearsals two three days before the shoot. The street kids have undergone training and are now professional actors
When asked about the shoot in Nagpur and the prep, director Nagraj Manjule said, “I chose the city of Nagpur because the story is based there. I wanted the look and feel to be as authentic as possible and Nagpur has its own unique charm, feel and locales, different from Mumbai and Pune. The language of the film would be best showcased in Nagpur hence I chose the lanes of that city. ”
Speaking on Mr Bachchan and working with him he further went on to say, “Working with Mr Bachchan on a story like this is a dream come true. He has always been my favourite legends and there was nobody other than him who fit the role perfectly and to do justice to this particular character. In fact the other people in the film are all new and since i have been known to work with fresh talent, I think the combination of Mr Bachchan with this young team will be something to watch out for!”
This Amitabh Bachchan starrer, produced by Bhushan Kumar’s T-Series, Savita Raj Hiremath, Nagraj Manjule under the banner of T-Series Films, Taandav Films Entertainment Ltd, Aatpat, directed by Nagraj Manjule, ‘Jhund’ is one of the most awaited films.