The Indian Squash Professional (ISP) will be organising the Rs 80,000 prize-money JVPG-ISP Squash Challenge-League 2 at the Juhu Vile Parle Gymkhana courts from November 4 to 7, 2015. This event is the 117th tournament to be conducted by ISP.
Events will be conducted for girls’ under-13 and under-17 and for boys’ under-11, under15 and under-21. There will also be a women’s open competition and a doubles handicap for boys/girls mixed under-9.
Entries have to be sent through tournament software only. Entries sent verbally, through e-mails, post or hand-delivery will not be accepted. The last date for submitting entries is Friday, October 30.
For any queries please send an e-mail to ISP at The draws will be uploaded on the ISP website : on 2nd November 2015.