Some of the top athletes who have represented Maharashtra State in the like Susuhmita Patil, Anushi Desai, Rashmi Sherigar, Dominic Fernandes, Shruti Vora, Arushi Mehta, Shenaiya Alphonso, Laksmi Tarkar, Shruti Tawade, Kritika Kapoor, Shriya Kolge, Poorna Raurane, Shweta Hake, Nikhol Kadam and Gaurang Ambre will be vying for top honours in the 40th Bombay YMCA State Level Annual Athletic Meet.
This will be the biggest athletic event in the Mumbai, to be held at Sports Authority of India (SAI) Sports Complex, Kandivali from November 26 to 29, 2015. In all there will be 131 events.
The forms are available at all YMCA branches . For further details Mr. Jonas J. Kumar, the Meet Manager may be contacted on 23098274. Last date for entries October 31. More than 3000 athletes, which include men, women, boys and girls right from the age of six to 45, are expected to participate. Entries from districts other than Mumbai city and suburbs, will have to be sent through the respective district associations.