Like his unique name the Bihar and Eastern India heart-throb celebrated his birthday in a different style recently. A rising star in modeling and an applaudable actor like him did not miss getting hugs and wishes on his birthday. At 7 in the evening, fashion and Bollywood celebs, media persons and social activists cut the birthday cake with him at Four Bungalows, Andheri.
The celebration saw many stars in that bungalow for this charming lad that evening. This galaxy was full of stars like ravishing model Vidihsa Basu, die hard Hindu supporter & roaring newspaper Hunkaar’s editor Dinesh Sharma, ‘Model Craft’ fashion magazine’s editor Javed Siddique, ‘Pataliputra News’ monthly magazine’s editor Sanjay Bhushan, ‘Loktantra Live’ newspaper’s editor Shiv Prakash Soni, ‘Lemon News TV’ channel’s news anchor Avanindra Ashutosh, model & actor Ashika Suryavanshi, film producer Vandana Sharma, actress Ragini Pandey, model & actor Rekha Tripathi, social activists Babita Verma, Anjan Goswami, Ashish Kumar Tiwari and a lot more.
Birthday boy personally fed pieces of birthday cake to all of them and thanked them for their wishes with sweets and warm hugs. In return, they wished him all the luck for a bright future ahead all through his life. In all, it was a unforgettable evening for celebrity Rajesh Kumar Raja. May the time ahead brings loads of joys to him and to his family.