Rahul, Janet top seeds in CCI Western India squash

Rahul Baitha of Mumbai and Janet Vidhi of Delhi are the top seeds in the Men’s Open and Women categories respectively in the prestigious CCI-Western India Slam squash championship organized by the Cricket Club of India (CCI) under the auspices of the SRFI (Squash Raquets Federation of India). The 77th edition of this prestigious tournament will commence at the refurbished squash courts at the CCI from Sunday, November 27, 2022.

Janet Vidhi

The 22-year-old Rahul who trains at the Jindal  Sqaush Academy is likely to encounter challenge from second seed Ranjit Singh of Services. Adarsh Banodha, who recently won the Madhya Pradesh State Squash Championship 2022 in Bhopal and Mumbai’s Avinash Yadav are jointly seeded third and fourth.

Rahul Baitha

In the women’s draw, the left-handed Janet could face stiff opposition from Mahak Talati the second seed and the joint third-fourth seed Bhoomica C and Shubhra Seth.

In the Boys’ U-19 competition Om Semwal and Rutva Samant are the top two seeds followed by Sharan Punjabi and Sunny Yadav, both jointly seeded third-fourth.

Saniya Jaggi leads the draw in the Girls’ U-19categorySaisha Gupta is seeded second ahead of the 3-4 seeds Aaryaa Belsare and  Sakina Bhanpurawala.

Seeded entries – Men: 1. Rahul Baitha, 2. Ranjit Singh, 3-4. Adarsh Banodha, Avinash Yadav.

Women: 1. Janet Vidhi, 2. Mahak Talati, 3-4. Bhoomica C, Shubhra Seth.

Boys’ U-19: 1. Om Semwal, 2. Rutva Samant, 3-4. Sharan Punjabi, Sunny Yadav.

Girls’ U-19: 1. Saniya Jaggi, 2. Saisha Gupta, 3-4. Aaryaa Belsare, Sakina Bhanpurawala.

Boys’ U-17: 1. Yuvraj Wadhwani, 2. Tavneet Singh Mundra, 3-4. Karan Yadav, Sandhesh Pr.

Girls’ U-17: 1. Diya Yadav, 2. Yashi Jain, 3-4. Amritha Rajalakshmi, Tisha Jasani.