FFD Promotes Benefits of Cycling For Health & Environment

On the occasion of World Bicycle Day, India’s leading organisation specializing in Diabetes Reversal – Freedom from Diabetes (FFD) organized a cycling rally across all its centres in the country to promote the benefits of cycling. The rally was observed on Sunday, 5th June with over 150 cyclists both diabetic and non-diabetic individuals from various States participated in it. In sync with the United Nations (UN) objective, FFD organized the rally with the aim of strengthening physical and mental health and well-being and developing a culture of cycling in society. A cycling enthusiast, FFD’s founder – Dr Pramod Tripathi espouses the culture of riding regularly and inculcates the practice amongst the organization’s members.

From the 13,000 cases of diabetes reversals, almost 40 per cent of FFD’s members who have successfully reversed their condition, ride bicycles as part of their daily workout routine.

“Cycling benefits everyone. It’s a sustainable mode of transport and a great way to remain fit and healthy. Just 30 to 60 minutes of cycling in a day can prove to be beneficial in diabetes management. Studies show that cycling at a moderate pace for just an hour can reduce the sugar level in overweight diabetics to half over the next 24 hours. Cycling faster for even half an hour can reduce the blood sugar levels for an entire day. Especially, the elderly who know how to ride can benefit from cycling,” says Dr Pramod Tripathi, Founder, FFD.

Dr Pramod Tripathi is the pioneer of diabetes reversal in India. Through FFD, he has been making efforts to raise awareness, educate and eradicate myths on diabetes. Since 2013, FFD has helped over 13,000 diabetics to become free from dependency on insulin or diabetes medicines and is aiming to free 100,000 diabetics by 2025.

“On World Bicycle Day, we wanted to promote the practice of riding bicycles. For this, we organised a rally for our members, their families and friends from across the country. We are pleased to know that over 500 individuals participated and rode their bicycles to the best of their abilities and stamina. We hope that everyone who can ride, inculcates the practice to ride regularly and better their own health while also, helping the environment,” concludes Dr Tripathi.