Karnataka’s seasoned campaigner Chitra Magimairaj, who had lost all her six matches in the Y-camp (1st leg), started the second phase in a determined fashion and registered three back-to-back victories. Chitra struck top form and potting confidently carved out wins against the top two Indian women cueists, Vidya Pillai (Karnataka) and Amee Kamani (Madhya Pradesh) and Indian No. 4 Anupama Ramchandran (Tamil Nadu) in the Women’s ‘Z’ Camp (2nd leg) round-robin league matches of the GSC World Snooker Qualifiers, a BSFI National Selection Tournament, organized by The Sportal and played at the Goregaon Sports Club billiards hall.
The National 9-ball pool champion, Chitra made a bright positive beginning defeating Indian No. 2 Amee 3-1 (75-51, 59-14, 34-64, 48-10). The Bengaluru-based Chitra produced another sterling performance to get the better of National snooker champion Vidya 3-2 (34-51, 52-62, 94(42)-39, 65-08, 67-21). She proved that those earlier two wins were no flash in the pan as she went to record another success defeating Tamil Nadu contender Anupama 3-1 (79-18, 33-85, 71-63, 59-51).
Meanwhile, in the Men’s competition, Pankaj Advani, who recently claimed the Asian snooker crown, continued to march ahead unchallenged. The 36-year-old Indian No. 2 Pankaj who was unbeaten in the first phase scored three more wins in the Z-camp.
Pankaj Advani (PSPB) defeated Neeraj Kumar (RSPB) 4-2 (67-05, 33-70, 81(81)-01, 54-02, 36-69, 58-26) and prevailed over Himanshu Jain of Telangana by a similar score line with the frame scores reading 07-102(65), 75(66)-35, 143(106)-00, 01-61, 71-08 and 89-00. He later tamed Pushpender Singh (RSPB) recording a quick 4-0 (64-27, 76-06, 64-19, 99(79)-06) win to remain unbeaten.
National champion Aditya Mehta (PSPB) won both his matches. First he sidelined Himanshu 4-1 (73-07, 36-81(58), 87-56, 59-47, 86(86)-10) and later compiled a break of 112 and blanked Neeraj Kumar (RSPB) 4-0 (75-43, 120(117)-15, 94(64,30)-04, 54-21).
Results –
Women’s Z-camp (2nd leg): Anupama Ramachandran (TN) beat Arantxa Sanchis (MAH) 3-1 (78-37, 70-21, 30-60, 47-16);
Keerath Bhandaal (DEL) beat Vidya Pillai (KTK) 3-2 (08-79(70),16-101(47,42), 65-51, 65-18, 70-43);
Chitra Magimairaj (KTK) beat Amee Kamani (MP) 3-1 (75-51, 59-14, 34-64, 48-10);
Anupama Ramachandran (TN) beat Varsha Sanjeev (TN) 3-2 (43-59, 81(71)-17, 62-36, 09-70, 81(56)-21);
Chitra Magimairaj (KTK) beat Vidya Pillai (KTK) 3-2 (34-51, 52-62, 94(42)-39, 65-08, 67-21);
Amee Kamani (MP) beat Keerath Bhandaal (DEL) 3-2 (32-64, 66-26, 58-59, 98-24, 64-59);
Varsha Sanjeev (TN) beat Amee Kamani (MP) 3-2 (71-48, 17-55(42), 72(46)-93, 10-66(50), 62-48);
Chitra Magimairaj (KTK) beat Anupama Ramachandran (TN) 3-1 (79-18, 33-85, 71-63, 59-51);
Vidya Pillai (KTK) Arantxa Sanchis (MAH) 3-2 (36-69, 68-39, 22-52, 67-27, 61-10)
Men’s Z-camp (2nd leg): Laxman Rawat (PSPB) beat Pushpender Singh (RSPB) 4-0 (85(75)-32, 65-23, 69-27, 66(57)-14);
Pankaj Advani (PSPB) beat Neeraj Kumar (RSPB) 4-2 (67-05, 33-70, 81(81)-01, 54-02, 36-69, 58-26);
Aditya Mehta (PSPB) beat Himanshu Jain (TEL) 4-1 (73-07, 36-81(58), 87-56, 59-47, 86(86)-10);
Aditya Mehta (PSPB) beat Neeraj Kumar (RSPB) 4-0 (75-43, 120(117)-15, 94(64,30)-04, 54-21);
Pankaj Advani (PSPB) beat Himanshu Jain (TEL) 4-2 (07-102(65), 75(66)-35, 143(106)-00, 01-61, 71-08, 89-00);
Dhvaj Haria (PSPB) beat Pushpender Singh (RSPB) 4-1 (109(109)-23, 53-69, 83-29, 78(59)-36, 60-31);
Pankaj Advani (PSPB) beat Pushpender Singh (RSPB) 4-0 (64-27, 76-06, 64-19, 99(79)-06);
Dhvaj Haria (PSPB) beat Neeraj Kumar (RSPB) 4-0 (67-17, 104(90)-22, 74-00, 59-13).