Dr. Ramani’s appeal to people on recent upsurge of Corona

On the occasion of World Health day, Dr. P.S.Ramani-  Senior Consultant Neurospinal Surgeon, Lilavati Hospital and Research Centre , Mumbai has a timely message on his social networking site to all the people. We are glad to share the same with the readers of magzmumbai.



Message from Dr. P.S. Ramani :  

Hello friends,

I am writing to you again. I had written to you last year when the Covid 19 phase was at its peak. I wrote about precautions to be taken. It was extremely well received. In between I have been sending messages to the Govt, Municipality and social media concerning precautions to be taken.

From 25th March 2020 which is more than one year we are seeing unprecedented rise in Covid 19 cases. Time has again come to take extra precautions for prevention.

There is unprecedented rise in Covid-19 cases. I have been looking at papers all the time and know what are people’s fears, what they wish to know and what is their interest.

I go to Lilavati Hospital everyday and know what exactly is patient’s reaction. They wish to know the number of days to stay in the hospital, will he/she be recovered fully, will they be left with some disability etc.

Vaccine: People have read about Vaccine and know that Covishield of Astra Zeneca causes clots in the body and are worried.

First of all one must take care of himself and not the get excited, worried or depressed.

Keep your calm. Everyday in the morning even for 10 minutes do meditation. Keep the lungs clear as Covid attacks lungs. Do at least basic pranayams daily. Keep the body healthy by doing regular 30 to 45 minutes exercise daily. Take care of your diet. Eat only healthy diet like fruits, home cooked food, vegetables, jwari Bhakri etc. Avoid cold and fried things as they cause sore throat. Covid virus first stays in throat, multiplies and then goes to lungs. Keep throat clear by keeping the habit of chewing Elaichi with Lavang. It keeps the throat clear.

Why take Vaccine ?

Vaccine: It is very good and must be taken by all from 45 years onwards. Appointment is easy and quick. Take any vaccine which is available to you. Do not bother too much if it is Covishield or Covaxin. Even in the countries like Germany and Canada where there were cases of clotting, they have not stopped giving vaccine. Delay the 2nd dose by minimum 6 weeks. It will give you better immunity.

Vaccine reduces infection by 70 percent or more.

When will the Covid 19 virus will end? It will never end. It will linger behind like cold, flu viruses but its symptoms will be very mild like fever and malaise for couple of days and then pass off without any worry or strong medicines.

What should we do? You and me and all human beings are a part of environment and that is how bird flu comes from birds and kettle flu comes from cows. We should be with them and thus we should go out following precautions as given by government like wearing a mask all the time, keeping safe distance from other people of six feet is very important (one funeral director has written a slogan: It is better to keep 6 feet distance today than be under 6 feet tomorrow.) . Wash the hands regularly with soap and water and use antiseptic. When you return from outside, please take a quick shower. By going out and following these instruction one gets what is known as herd immunity which is very important to prepare resistance to the body.

As such the virus which is causing surge today is not the original virus. It is a Mutant virus or transformed virus which is not as serious as the old one. In Maharashtra and Mumbai we have two mutants circulating around. As virus goes into mutation again and again it looses its potency and becomes harmless. Anti-viral drugs are now available in plenty in all the hospitals and there is no scarcity of whatsoever which happened last year. The mortality today has drastically reduced in comparison to last year and those who die have other issues like diabetes, kidney failure, hypertension and weak heart etc. There is condition called, Happy Hypoxia, where the oxygen saturation is low but patient is not aware of it but he feels unwell. Do not ignore it.

When to consult a doctor?

If you feel weak, feverish or fever, cough, malaise, loose motions, etc, always consult your doctor. Based on Govt guidelines, he will then advise you whether to treat you at home or go to the hospital for admission.

My request;

Stay calm. Do not panic. Go out. Be happy.

–         Dr. P.S.Ramani

Senior Consultant Neurospinal Surgeon,

Lilavati Hospital and Research Centre, Mumbai.