Mumbai Ranji Cricketer Siddesh Lad, a Borivali boy, who made an impressive debut in the Ranji Trophy, was honoured by the Poinsur Gymkhana at their yearly felicitation function at the Gymkhana here last night. Chief guest Mr Gopal Shetty, a Member of Parliament, and an architect of the development of sports in this part of the suburbs presented him with a citation and a trophy. Among others Simran Verma, a junior national boxer too was felicitated.
The Poinsur Gymkhana has become one of the rare gymkhanas, in this part of the western suburbs , which has been promoting sports like cricket, football, athletics, basketball , table tennis etc year after year. This year they also felicitated 42 students who have excelled in various other sports and games as well as those who have excelled in fields like cultural and art.