Unique entertainment through ‘Chalti Ka Naam Ganaa’

In our film industry, we have been watching songs on big screen for the past 70 to 80 years, which are picturised while travelling , be it on two wheeler, Bullock cart, boat, Horse cart, Auto, four wheeler or Helicopter. Based on this theme, veteran musicians Ratnakar Pilankar and Kamlakar Bansode who are associated with Orchestra field have decided to present a musical programme, which will comprise songs which are picturised while travelling on the above mode of travel.CHALATIKA NAM GANA 1


Suitably titled ‘Chalti Ka Naam Ganaa’ this musical programme will be presented on 7th April 2017 at Shivaji Mandir at 8 pm. The songs will be rendered by  popular Orchestra singers like Pratibha Waghmare, Shubhada Verekar, Nilesh Nirgudkar, Anuja Vartak and Aalok katdare, with the music arranged by Ravi Raju. The show will be anchored by Ratnakar Pilankar assisted by Kamlakar Bansode.  The presenters of this programme are confident that this new concept will be appreciated by the music lovers.